Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Jennifer M. Dixon


Portrait Jennifer Dixon

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Political Science
Advanced to candidacy June 2006, Degree expected May 2010

Dissertation: Changing the State’s Story: Understanding the Sources of Change in Official Narratives (Committee: Gordon Silverstein & Ron Hassner, co-chairs; T.J. Pempel; Margaret Anderson)

M.A. University of California, Berkeley, Political Science, December 2004

Thesis: The Diffusion and Adoption of Human Rights Norms through International Regimes: A Case Study of the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Turkey (Advisor: Robert A. Kagan)

A.B. Dartmouth College, Government, cum Laude, June 1999

Research Concentrations

International Relations and Comparative Politics

Function within the Center

Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (April 2009)

Selected Publications

Conference Papers

“Who Controls the Present?: Analyzing the Sources of Change and Continuity in Official Narratives”

  • Presented as part of the “Preparing for a Changing World” Colloquium at The Institute of International Studies (IIS) at the University of California, Berkeley, on 2 October 2008
  • Presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 29 August 2008

“Shifting Accounts: Tracing Changes in the Official Narrative of the Armenian Genocide in Turkish History Textbooks,” paper presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) 2008 annual meeting, San Francisco, 26 March 2008

“Changing the Story: Understanding the Sources of Change and Continuity in States’ Official Narratives,” paper presented at American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1 September 2007

“The Implications of Norm Violation for Inter-state Relations,” paper presented at annual Political Science Graduate Student Conference, UC Berkeley, 20 April 2006

“The Origin and Fate of Myths in Democratic Regimes,” paper presented at annual Political Science Graduate Student Conference, UC Berkeley, 2 May 2005


University of California, Berkeley
e-mail j_dixon[at]berkeley.edu