Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. José M. Rodríguez Garcia


José M. Rodriguez Garcia

Jose Rodriguez got his degree in Medieval History by the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 1992.

After spending a couple of years (graduate and postgraduate courses) studying at the University of Edinburgh (UK), he worked as an archeologist for three years.

He has worked for different private companies for a number of years, and also as a guide for the Spanish Royal  National Heritage.

MA in 2005, University of Salamanca.

PhD in 2010, University of Salamanca

Since 2010 He is linked to the UNED (Open University in Spain) and as of 2012, he is lecturer of Medieval History right there.

He has been a research guest at the Universities of Bochum and Kent (2015).

He is currently directing a research group on the presence of the so-called International Military Orders in Spain (2015). His work focusses on the Teutonic Order in the Kingdoms of Spain.

Research Concentrations

  • Crusades
  • Military Orders (specially the Order of Calatrava and the Teutonic Order)
  • Medieval Military History

Functions within the Center

Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (March–May 2016)

Research project “The Teutonic Order and the kingdoms of Spain”


La cruzada en tiempos de Alfonso X el sabio. Silex, Madrid, 2014.

Ideología cruzada en el siglo XIII. Universidad de Sevilla, 2014.

„Reconquista y cruzada. Un balance historiográfico doce años después (2000-2012)“, Espacio, tiempo y forma. Medieval, 26 (2013): 363-392.

„Conquest of Seville“, „Siege of Córdoba“, „Alfonso X“, in The Oxford encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and military technology. Oxford, 2010, I, 28-29; I, 431; III, 251-252.

Atlas Histórico de la Edad Media. Editorial Ramón Areces. With Ana Echevarria. Madrid, 2010.

„De vueltas con la conexión alemana de la Orden de Calatrava. De Thymau a Bebenhaussen“, en Homenaje al profesor Benito Ruano. SEEM. Madrid, 2010, t. II, pp. 671-681.

„Yendo a la cruzada de prestado. Material y Personal“, VI Jornadas Luso-Españolas de Historia Medieval. La Guerra en la Edad Media. Torres Novas, 2009, pp. 149-158.

„Cabezas cortadas en el mundo castellano medieval, 1050-1350“. El cuerpo derrotado. Cómo trataban musulmanes y cristianos a los enemigos vencidos. Ed. F. García Fitz-M. Fierro. CSIC. Madrid, 2008, pp. 349-395.

„Henry III, Alfonso X of Castile and the crusading plans of the thirteenth century“, in Henry III and his time. Ed. B. Weiler. Ashgate, 2002, pp. 99-120.

„Alfonso X and the Teutonic Order: an example of the role of the International Military Orders in mid 13th century Castile“, Acts of the International Conference on The Military Orders. Welfare and Warfare. Londres, 1998, pp. 319-328.