Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Gruia Badescu, PhD


Gruia Badescu


PhD, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Centre for Urban Conflicts Research, Department of Architecture

MSc, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK
City Design and Social Science, the LSE Cities Programme

BA, Middlebury College, Vermont, USA
Double major in Geography and European Studies

Academic appointments and research grants

2016-2018  Research Associate, School of Geography, University of Oxford

2016-       AHRC-LABEX team research grant “The Criminalisation of Dictatorial Pasts in Europe and Latin America in Global Perspective”, for project “Memorializing Political Prisons of Past Dictatorships: Processes from Below”

2017-2018  Visiting Lecturer, Department of Political Science, National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest

2016-2017  Researcher, New Europe College, for UEFISCDI-funded project “Museums and controversial collections: Politics and policies of heritage-making in post-colonial and post-socialist contexts”,

2015-2016  Departmental Lecturer, School of Geography, and Stipendiary Lecturer in Human Geography, St John’s College and Christ Church, University of Oxford

Research Interests:

  • post-war reconstruction: urban reconstruction, refugees and  IDPs
  • coming to terms with the past after war and dictatorship, transitional justice, political emotions, memory practices
  • the relationship between memory and urban space   

Function within the Center

Balzan prize postdoc research fellow (Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz)

Research group “Reconstructing Memory in the City – Transnational and Local (European) Sites of Memory”

Research project “Architecture, urban space, and new memory practices: Syncretic place-making and cosmopolitan imaginaries in the European city”

Selected Publications

‘Making Sense of Ruins: Architectural Reconstruction and Collective Memory in Belgrade’ (forthcoming January 2019) Collective Memories and Legacies of Political Violence in the Balkans (Special Issue). Nationalities Papers

‘Post-War Reconstruction in Contested Cities: Comparing Urban Outcomes in Sarajevo and Beirut’. In Jonathan Rock-Rokem and Camilo Boano (eds.) (2017) Urban Geopolitics: Rethinking Planning in Contested Cities. London: Routledge, pp. 17-32.

‘“Achieved without Ambiguity?”: Memorializing Victimhood in Belgrade after the 1999 NATO Bombing’ (2016) Memories and Narratives of the 1999 NATO Bombing (special issue) Südosteuropa. Journal for Policy and Society, 64(4), pp. 500-519.

‘(Post) colonial Encounters in the Post-Socialist City: Reshaping Urban Space in Sarajevo’ (2016) Post-socialist Cities (Special Issue). Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 98 (4), pp. 321-329.

‘Dwelling in the Post-War City: Urban Reconstruction and Home-Making in Sarajevo’ (2015) Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 46(04), pp.35-60.

‘Local Development and Cultural Territorial Systems in the Republic of Moldova’ (2015), in Francesco Rotondo et al (ed.) Cultural Territorial Systems. Landscape and  Cultural Heritage  as  a  Key  of  a  Sustainable, Local  Development. Heidelberg: Springer.

‘City Makers, Urban Reconstruction and Coming to Terms with the Past in Sarajevo’ (2014) In Kotzen, Bronwyn and Sofia Garcia (ed.) Reconstructing Sarajevo: Negotiating Socio-political Complexity. London: LSE Cities.

‘Beyond the Green Line: Sustainability and Beirut's post-war reconstruction’, Development (2011) 54(3), pp. 358–367.

‘Politics, Architecture and Identity in Rebuilding West Germany’ s Cities after the Second World War’ (2011) In Olga Fejtová et al, eds. Europäische Großstädte zwischen dem Ende des Weltkriegs und des Kalten Kriegs (1945-1989) (Documenta pragensia 30) Prague: Scriptorium, pp. 85-133.

‘Nationalism between 1880 and 1945’ (with Guntram Herb) (2008) in Guntram Herb and David Kaplan (eds.) Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio.


Telefon: 07531 88-5821
E-Mail: gruia.badescu[at]uni-konstanz.de

Otto-Adam-Str. 5
78467 Konstanz