Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Prof. Dr. Edward Baring


Porträt Edward Baring

2012–2013, NEH Research Fellowship for book project Phenomenology – The Making of a Continental Philosophy.

2010–Present, Assistant Professor of Modern European Intellectual History at Drew University, New Jersey.

2003–2009, Ph.D. in History, Harvard University.

1999–2003, B.A. History and Mathematics, University of Cambridge.


2011 Morris D. Forkosch Prize for the Best Book in Intellectual History awarded by The Journal for the History of Ideas.

2010 Harold K. Gross dissertation prize awarded by the Department of History, Harvard University.

Research Concentrations

Modern European Intellectual History, History of Religious Thought, Critical Theory

Function within the Center

Guest of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (September 2012–August 2013)

Research project "Phenomenology: The Making of a Continental Philosophy"

Selected Publications

2012, “Derrida, Lévi-Strauss, and the Cercle d’Epistémologie; or, How to be a Good Structuralist,” in Knox Peden and Peter Hallward eds., Concept and Form: The Cahiers pour l'analyse and Contemporary French Thought, vol. 2, London: Verso.

2011, The Young Derrida and French Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Ideas in Context series (Portuguese translation forthcoming).

2010, “Humanist Pretensions: Communism, Catholicism, and Sartre's Struggle for Existentialism in Postwar France,” Modern Intellectual History.

2010, “Liberalism and the Algerian War: The Case of Jacques Derrida,” in Critical Inquiry.


e-mail ebaring[at]drew.edu