Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Dr. Astrid Bochow

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2013 Fellow at Institute of Advanced Study Konstanz

2012 Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (October till December)

Since 2010 Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany

2009–2010 postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, funded by Fritz-Thyssen Foundation

2003–2008 PhD researcher in the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre on African Studies at University of Bayreuth, Assistant to Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber

2002–2003 researcher at GIGA

1996–2002 studying Social Anthropology and Literature in Berlin and Marburg

2008 PhD at University of Bayreuth

2002 Master at Freie Universität Berlin

She is steering committee member of the Religion, HIV/AIDS and Social Transformation Research Network (www.religion-aids-africa.com).

Research Concentrations

Sexuality and intimacy, youth, and Pentecostalism in Kumasi Ghana (2004 to 2008); HIV/AIDS, relational ethics and health ethics among educated professionals in Gaborone, Botswana (since 2009); humanitarianism, anthropology of health and wellbeing, anthropology of religions and elites in Africa; West Africa (Ghana); Southern Africa (Botswana and South Africa)

Functions within the Center

Fellow of the Institue for Advanced Study Konstanz (April 2013–March 2014)

Research project “Ethical Dilemmas – Elites, Reproduction and HIV/AIDS in Botswana”

Selected Publications

Valentine’s Day in Ghana: Youth, Sex and Fear between the Generations. In: Erdmute Alber, Sjaak van der Geest and Susan R. Whyte (eds.), Generations in Africa. Contrasts and Connections, Hamburg: LIT: 418-429.

Intimität und Sexualität vor der Ehe. Konversationen über Ungesagtes in Endwa und Kumasi, Ghana. Hamburg: LIT.

( with Rijk van Dijk): Christian Creations of New Spaces of Sexuality, Reproduction, and Relationships in Africa: Exploring Faith and Religious Heterotopia, special issue, Journal of Religion in Africa, Volume 42, Number 4.

Let's Talk about Sex! Reflections on Conversations about Love and Sexuality in Kumasi and Endwa, Ghana. Culture, Health and Sexuality, special issue: Sex, Secrets and Honour: Acts of Concealment and Disclosure (ed.: Anita Hardon), (first published online September 2012)


e-mail a.bochow1[at]gmail.com