Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Förster

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Yvonne Förster

Since 2016 Apl.-Professor for Philosophy at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Theory of Art

2016–2017 Senior Research Fellow at MECS (Media Cultures of Computer Simulation), Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, Topic: Computer Simulation in Neuroscience

2010–2016 Juniorprofessor for Philosophy of Culture and Art, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Theory of Art

2009–10 Visiting Professor for Aesthetics, Faculty for Design, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany

2009 Ph.D. in Philosophy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. Thesis: Die Zeit zwischen Subjekt und Objekt. Zum Verhältnis von Zeiterfahrung und Ontologie in der modernen Zeitphilosophie (Time between Subject and Object. Experience and Ontology of Time in Modern Philosophy of Time).

2008–09 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Research concentrations

  • Philosophy of Technology (with regard to Ethics and Anthropology)
  • Phenomenology Theories of Embodiment
  • Philosophy of Culture
  • Arts and Digital Media

Function within the Center

Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (November 2017–August 2018)

Research project Emergent Intelligences. Neural and Artificial Nets in Science, Cinema and Art

Selected Publications

Single-Author Monograph

(2012) Zeiterfahrung und Ontologie. Perspektiven moderner Zeitphilosophie. (Experience and Ontology of Time. Perspectives of Modern Philosophy of Time), München: Fink.

Edited Volume

(2017, in preparation) Moden der Kleidung – Moden des Geistes, Hubertus Busche, Yvonne Förster (eds.), Berlin: Springer.


(2017, accepted, forthcoming, English and Chinese) Art and Technology: Exploring Aisthetic Dimensions of the Life-World, in: Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, de Gruyter.

(2017, forthcoming) Wenn künstliche Intelligenz laufen lernt: Verkörperungsstrategien im machine learning, in: Christoph Engemann, Andreas Sudmann (eds.), Maschine Learning. Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Bielefeld: Transcript.

(2017) The Neural Net as Paradigm for Human Selfunderstanding, in: Jon Leefman, Elisabeth Hildt (eds.), The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain, Saint Louis: Elsevier, 159-177.

(2016) Singularities and Superintelligence: Transcending the Human in Contemporary Cinema, in: Trans-Humanities, Seoul: Ewha Institute for the Humanities (EIH), 33-50.

(2016) The Body as Medium – Fashion as Art, in: Irina Deretic, Stefan L. Sorgner (eds.), From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?, Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 321-332.

(2015) A arte nos limites da arte – Hegel em tempos do Neuroturn, in: Rapsódia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, no. 9, 97-110.

(2012) The Modern Concept of Fashion and its Origins in Romanticism, in: Franz-Josef Deiters, Axel Fliethmann a.o. (eds.), Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies, Freiburg i.Br., Berlin, Wien: Rombach, 141-157.