Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration


  • Plakat

    24. Mai 2018

    The United Nations' Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, the Cold War, and Africa's Decolonization

    Prof. Henning Melber, Uppsala
    Vortragsveranstaltung im Rahmen der IACM Lecture Series

  • Plakat

    23. April 2018

    Wir sind UNO / We are the UN

    Vortragsveranstaltung im Rahmen der IACM Lecture Series

  • Poster

    11. Januar 2018

    Building Judicial Legitimacy or Inviting Institutional Backlash?

    Kenya’s Supreme Court and the Invalidation of the 2017 Presidential Election
    Prof. Eric Kramon (Washington)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • Poster

    5. Dezember 2017

    Central Africa: Limited Effectiveness of International Conflict Management

    Andreas Mehler (Freiburg)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • Poster

    14. Juni 2017

    Compliance and Resistance in Iraq under Saddam Hussein: Evidence from the Files of the Bath Party

    Prof. Lisa Blaydes (Stanford)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • Poster

    1. Juni 2017

    The World After GDP: Economics, Politics and International Relations in the Post-Growth Era

    Prof. Lorenzo Fioramonti (Pretoria)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • poster

    17. November 2016

    Starting and Stopping State Repression: an Examination of Spells

    Prof. Christian Davenport (Michigan)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • Plakat

    3. November 2016

    Ethnic power constellations and violence against civilians

    Dr. Hanne Fjelde (Uppsala)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • Poster

    5. Juli 2016

    Unpacking the Effect of Decentralization on Conflict: Lessons from Indonesia

    Prof. Dr. Jan H. Pierskalla (Columbus, Ohio)
    Lecture Series of the MA-Program “International Administration and Conflict Management”

  • Plakat

    10. Juni 2016

    Deutschland, Russland, Europa – wie weiter?

    Rüdiger von Fritsch (dt. Botschafter in Moskau)
    Vortrag im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe des M.A.-Programms „International Administration and Conflict Management“

<< Erste < Vorherige 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-49 Nächste > Letzte >>