Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Prof. Dr. Nino Luraghi

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Nino Luraghi

since September 2009 D. Magie '97 Class of 1897 Professor of Classics

2008-2009 Professor of Classics, Department of Classics, Princeton University

2005-2008 Professor of the Classics, Department of the Classics, Harvard University

2003-2004 Associate Professor of Ancient History, Department of Classics, University of Toronto

2003 Member of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton)

1999-2003 Assistant Professor of the Classics, Department of the Classics, Harvard University

1997-1999 Assistant professor (Ricercatore) in the Department of History of the University of Parma, Italy

1997-1999 Research fellow (wissenschaftlicher Angestellter) in the Seminar für Alte Geschichte of the University of Freiburg, Germany

1995-1997 fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the Seminar für Alte Geschichte of the University of Freiburg, Germany

1992 PhD (Dottorato di ricerca) in Ancient History, University of Rome

1987 M. litt. University of Venice


  • Greek history and historiography
  • Cultural history
  • Slavery and other forms of unfree labor
  • Memory and society
  • Ethnicity
  • Tyranny and monarchy

    Funktion innerhalb des Exzellenzclusters

    Fellow des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kollegs Konstanz (September 2013–August 2014, April–Juli 2011)

    Forschungsprojekt „The Culture of Freedom: A Cultural History of Early Hellenistic Athens“

    Abgeschlossenes Forschungsprojekt „The Greek tyrants“

    Ausgewählte Publikationen

    Authored Books

    The Ancient Messenians: Constructions of Ethnicity and Memory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008 (paperback edition 2011).

    Tirannidi arcaiche in Sicilia e Magna Grecia da Panezio di Leontini alla caduta dei Dinomenidi, Firenze, Olschki, 1994 (English translation forthocoming, Oxford University Press).

    Edited Books

    The Polis in the Hellenistic World, Stuttgart, Steiner Verlag 2018 (co-editor with Henning Börm)

    The Splendors and Miseries of Ruling Alone: Encounters with Monarchy from Archaic Greece to the Hellenistic Mediterranean, Stuttgart, Steiner Verlag, 2013.

    The Politics of Ethnicty and the Crisis of the Peloponnesian League, Cambridge, Ma., Harvard University Press, 2009 (co-editor with Peter Funke).

    Helots and their Masters in Laconia and Messenia, Cambridge, Ma., Harvard University Press, 2003 (co-editor with S. Alcock).

    The Historian’s Craft in the Age of Herodotus, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001 (paperback edition 2007).


    ‘The cunning tyrant: the cultural logic of a narrative pattern’, in A. Moreno and R. Thomas (eds.), Patterns of the Past: Studies in Honour of Oswyn Murray (Oxford forthcoming).

    ‘Commedia e politica tra Demostene e Cremonide’, in F. Perusino (ed.), La Commedia Greca e la Storia (Pisa 2012), 353–376.

    ‘Hieron agonistes or the masks of the tyrant’, in G. Urso (ed.), Dicere laudes: elogio, comunicazione e creazione del consenso (Pisa 2011), 27–47.

    ‘The demos as narrator: public honors and the construction of future and past’, in L. Foxhall, H.-J. Gehrke, and N. Luraghi (eds.), Intentional History: Spinning Time (Stuttgart 2010), 247–263.


    Tel. 07531 3630431