Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Prof. Dr. Lena Schaffer


Lena Schaffer

2016-  Assistant Professor of International and Transnational Relations. University of Lucerne, Switzerland

2015  Interim Professorship (Lehrstuhlvertretung) of the W3 professorship in Political Science with specialization in International Relations (Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen) at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz

2014-2016 Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz

2011-2014 Postdoctoral researcher at Chair of International Political Economy (Prof. Thomas Bernauer), ETH Zürich, Switzerland

2006-2011 Research assistant and doctoral student at Chair of International Political Econo-my (Prof. Thomas Bernauer), ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich (political science)

2000-2006 MA (Diplom) Public Policy and Management (specialization: European Integration and International Organisation), University of Konstanz

For a complete CV, description of main research projects and professional activities, please refer to: lena-schaffer.de

Research Interests

  • (Comparative) Political Economy of Energy Policy
  • Climate Change Governance
  • Origins of individual trade (and energy) preferences
  • Climate Change and Migration
  • Applied research methods

Function within the Center

Visiting Scholar of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (February 2019-July 2019)

Research project „Beyond Policy Adoption: Implications of Energy Policy on Parties, Publics and Individuals“

Selected publications

Vally Koubi, Tobias Böhmelt, Gabriele Spilker and Lena Maria Schaffer (2018) „The Determinants of Environmental Migrants' Conflict Perception“ International Organization 72(4): 905-936.

Bianca Oehl, Lena Maria Schaffer and Thomas Bernauer (2017) "How to measure public demand for climate change when there is no appropriate survey data?" Journal of Public Policy 37(2): 173-204.

Vally Koubi, Gabriele Spilker, Lena Maria Schaffer and Tobias Böhmelt (2016) “Environmental Change and Migration” Population and Environment 38 (2): 134-163.

Vally Koubi, Gabriele Spilker, Lena Maria Schaffer and Thomas Bernauer (2016) "Environmental Degradation and Migration" World Development 79: 197-210

Lena Maria Schaffer and Gabriele Spilker (2016) „Adding Another Level: Individual Responses to Globalization and Government Welfare Policies“ Political Science Research and Methods 4 (2): 399-426

Lena Maria Schaffer and Thomas Bernauer (2014) "Explaining Government Choices for Promoting Renewable Energy" Energy Policy 68, May 2014: 15–27.

Gabriele Spilker, Lena Maria Schaffer and Thomas Bernauer (2012) „Does Social Capital Increase Public Support for Economic Globalization?“ European Journal of Political Research 51(6): 756-784.

Thomas Bernauer and Lena Maria Schaffer (2012) „Climate Change Governance“ in: Levi-Faur, David (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Governance, pp. 441-456. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lena Maria Schaffer (2011) „Voluntary climate change initiatives in the U.S.: Analyzing participation in space and time“ Dissertation, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Nr. 19475 (http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/view/eth:2712).

Lena Maria Schaffer and Gerald Schneider (2005) „Die Prognosegüte von Wahlbörsen und Mei-nungsumfragen zur Bundestagswahl 2005“ Politische Vierteljahresschrift 45(4): 674-681.