Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Alexey Tikhomirov


Alexey Tikhomirov

1996–2001 MA in History, State Pedagogical University Yaroslavl and University Bielefeld (Germany)

2001–2005 Kandidat nauk in History, State Pedagogical University Yaroslavl (Russia)

2006–2008 Postdoc Fellow of the Hertie-Foundation at Chemnitz University

2008–2011 On parental leave with two daughters

2011–2013 Marie Curie Fellow at School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

2013–2015 Marie Curie Fellow of the Gerda Henkel Foundation (M4Human) at the History Department (Department of Prof. Christoph Cornelißen), Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main

Since October 2015 Research Fellow in East European History (DFG-eigene-Stelle), History Department, Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main

Research concentrations

  • Contemporary European History, especially German and Russian History
  • Sovietisation of the post-war Central and Eastern Europe
  • Symbolic Politics and Leader Cults; Iconoclasm and Violence
  • Popular perception of political ideologies and communist/socialist systems
  • History of Emotions; Trust/Distrust and Empathy in History
  • History of Psychiatry and Everyday Life under Communism

    Function within the Center

    Visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (August 2016)

    Research project “The State as a Family: Speaking Kinship, Being Soviet, and Reinventing Tradition in the USSR”

    Selected Publications


    Tikhomirov A.: “Luchshii drug nemetskogo naroda”: kul’t Stalina v Vostochnoi Germanii (1945-1961 gg.) [“The Best Friend of the German People”: The Stalin Cult in East Germany, 1945-1961], Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014. 310 p. (Series “History of Stalinism”).


    Tikhomirov A.: The Regime of Forced Trust: Making and Breaking of Emotional Bonds Between People and State in Soviet Russia, 1917-1941, in: Slavonic and East European Review, Special Issue “Trust and Distrust in the USSR”, Vol. 91, No. 1 (January 2013), 78-118.

    Tikhomirov A.: Symbols of Power in Rituals of Violence: The Personality Cult and Iconoclasm on the Soviet Empire’s Periphery (East Germany, 1945-61), in: Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, Vol. 13, No.1 (Winter 2012), 47-88.

    Tikhomirov A.: The Stalin Cult between Center and Periphery: Structures of the Cult Community in the Empire of Socialism, 1949-1956 — the Case of GDR, in: Ennker B., Hein-Kircher H. (ed.), Der Führer im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts, Marburg: Herder-Institut, 2010, 297-321.

    Tikhomirov A.: Stalin-Bild(er) in der SBZ/DDR: die deutsche Nachkriegsgesellschaft im Spannungsfeld zwischen Propaganda und Erfahrung, in: Timmermann H. (ed.), Historische Erinnerung im Wandel. Neuere Forschungen zur deutschen Zeitgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der DDR-Forschung, Münster: LIT, 2007, 467-509.

    Tikhomirov A.: „Feinde des Volkes“: Zur (Re-)Konstruktion des inneren Feinds in der stalinistischen Phase der DDR (1949-1953), in: Satjukow S., Gries R. (ed.), Unsere Feinde. Konstruktionen des Anderen im Sozialismus, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2004, 167-178.