Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Dr. Sarah Dornhof

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Porträt Sarah Dornhof

2016-2017 DAAD P.R.I.M.E. Fellowship, Freie Universität Berlin and Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

2013-2015 Postdoctoral Position in the International Graduate Program “InterArt”, Freie Universität Berlin

2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Graduate Program “Lebensformen & Lebenswissen” Potsdam University and European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder

2013 PhD (Dr. phil.) in Cultural Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder

2009-2012 Doctoral scholarship at the PhD program “Lebensformen & Lebenswissen”, Potsdam University and European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder

2007-2008 Doctoral scholarship at the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

1998-2006 BA and MA studies (Diplom) in Cultural Studies / Cultural Anthropology, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder

Research concentrations

  • Contemporary art theories, visual culture studies, aesthetics
  • Postcolonial and transcultural studies 
  • Memory studies
  • Political philosophy
  • Cultural history in the Maghreb
  • Migration, transnationalism, globalization

Function within the Center

Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (April 2018–January 2019)

Research project „Art Matters – Artistic Engagements with Cultural Memory in the Maghreb“

Selected Publications


Alternierende Blicke auf Islam und Europa. Verletzung als Rationalität visueller Politik. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016.

Edited Volumes

Situating Global Art. Topologies – Temporalities – Trajectories. S. Dornhof, N. Buurman, B. Hopfener and B. Lutz (eds.) Bielefeld: transcript, 2018 (forthcoming).

F(r)ictions of Art. S. Dornhof, L. Kelting and N. Graeff (eds.). Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie. Band 25, Heft 2. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016.

Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe: Memory, Aesthetics, Art. F. Peter, S. Dornhof and E. Arigita (eds.). Bielefeld: transcript.

Selected Articles

Exhibiting Contemporary Moroccan Art: Situated Curatorial Narratives and Institutional Frames of Globalization, in: Situating Global Art. Topologies – Temporalities – Trajectories, Dornhof/Buurman/Hopfener/Lutz (eds.), Bielefeld: transcript, 2018 (forthcoming), pp. 231-251.

Guerilla Cinema. Filmen als Kritik und Widerstand, kritische berichte. Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kulturwissenschaft. Heft 1. 2016, Jahrgang 44: Ästhetik(en) des Widerstands. 59-71.

Embodied Protest – Nakedness and the Partition of Gazes. In: Orientalism, Gender and the Jews: Literary and Artistic Transformations of European National Discourses, Brunotte/Ludewig/Stähler (eds.), Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016, pp. 268-283.

Seeing Difference, Seeing Differently. In: Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe: Memory, Aesthetics, Art, Peter/Dornhof/Arigita (eds.), Bielefeld: transcript, 2013, pp.163-185.

Rationalities of Dialogue. Current Sociology, Vol. 60, No. 3, 2012, pp. 382-398.

Regimes of visibility: representing violence against women in the French Banlieue. Feminist Review, Vol. 98: Islam in Europe, 2011, pp. 110–127.