Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Dr. Katherine Fama

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2015–2017 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, University of Konstanz

2014–2015 National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellow, Winterthur Museum, Garden, Library

2013–2014 Volkswagen Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, JFK Institute for North-American Studies, Literature Division, Free University Berlin


PhD: Washington University in St. Louis

MA: New York University

BA: Swarthmore College

Research concentrations

  • 19th and 20th-c American Literature
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • American Culture Studies
  • African American Literature
  • Urban Architecture
  • Modernism

Functions within the Center

Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (May–December 2015)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz

Research project „The Literary Architecture of Singleness: American Fiction and the Production of Women’s Independent Space, 1880-1929“


„Melancholic Remedies: Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood as Narrative Theory.“ Journal of Modern Literature 37.2 (Winter 2014), pp. 39-58.

Works in Progress

The Single Architecture of Contending Forces: Lodging Independent Women in Pauline E. Hopkins’s „Little Romance.“

The Literary Architecture of Singleness: American Fiction and the Production of Women’s Independent Space, 1880-1929


Tel. 0041 71 68694-53
E-Mail katherine.fama[at]uni-konstanz.de