Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Elitza Stanoeva, PhD

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Elitza Stanoeva

Since 2014 visiting lecturer in Urban History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

2013 PhD in History, Technical University Berlin; dissertation: “Sofia: The Socialist City in Its Monumental Vision and Practice”

2011–2012 Tsvetan Stoyanov Fellowship, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna

2010 Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna

2005–2007 doctoral fellow at the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin

2006 visiting fellowship, Berliner Kolleg für vergleichende Geschichte Europas, Free University, Berlin

2005–2006 scientific collaborator at the research project “Eliten Wandel” at Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig

Since 2004 member of the Editorial Board of Critique & Humanism journal

2004 MA in Central European History, Central European University, Budapest

2003 MA in Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Research concentrations

Urban history; Cold War history; Historical sociology of socialism

Urbanization and urban change in Central and Eastern Europe in the socialist and postsocialist periods; Socialist consumption; Socialist monumental propaganda; Socio-economic policies under socialism; State bureaucracy and institutional dynamics under socialism

Functions within the Center

Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (April 2014–March 2015)

Research project “On the People’s Bureaucracy: Inter-institutional Rivalry and Conflicts under Socialism”

Selected publications

Stanoeva, E. and M. Grekova (eds.), The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics, issue 42, 1–2/2013 of Critique & Humanism (in Bulgarian).

Stanoeva, E., “Building the Socialist City: Egalitarianism versus Monumentalism?”, Critique & Humanism 42, 1-2/2013, рр. 55–94 (in Bulgarian).

Stanoeva, E., “Interpretations of the Ottoman Urban Legacy in the National Capital Building of Sofia (1878–1940),” in Eyal Ginio and Karl Kaser (eds.), Ottoman Legacies in the Balkans and the Middle East, pp. 209–230. Jerusalem: European Forum at the Hebrew University Conference and Lecture Series, 2013.

Stanoeva, E., “Interview with Saskia Sassen: The Global City: A Structural Hole in the Tissue of Sovereign National Territory,” Critique & Humanism 40, special issue/2012, pp. 115–132.

Stanoeva, E. and D. Vatsov (eds.), Quality of Higher Education in National and Global Contexts, issue 36, 1/2011 of Critique & Humanism (in Bulgarian).

Stanoeva, E., “The Dead Body of the Leader as an Organizing Principle of Socialist Public Space: The Mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov in Sofia,” in Maren Behrensen, Lois Lee and Ahmet S. Tekelioglu (eds.), Modernities Revisited. Vienna: IWM Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conference, vol. 29, 2011.

Stanoeva, E., “Sofia,” in Emily G. Makas and Tanya D. Conley (eds.), Capital Cities in the Aftermath of Empires: Planning Central and Southeastern Europe, pp. 91–107. London: Routledge, 2010.

Stanoeva, E., “The Central City Square as a Legitimation Resource: The Main Square of Socialist Sofia”, Critique & Humanism 35, special issue/2010, pp. 285–320.

Stanoeva, E., “Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Urban Mass Transportation: The Introduction of Trams in Sofia (1901-1916),” in Aneta Svetieva and Ana Ashtalkovska (eds.), Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture, pp. 498–511. Skopje: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, 2009.

Stanoeva, E., “Football and the City: An Extraordinary Month in the Life of Berlin”, Sociological Problems 3-4/2006, pp. 114–130 (in Bulgarian).