Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Application for Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2014

Please send an e-mail in English to: meisterklasse[at]uni-konstanz.de

or send a letter to:

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Giesen
Konstanz University
Department of History and Sociology
P.O. Box 28
78457 Konstanz, Germany

The application should entail the following documents (as Word or PDF file): 

  • Letter indicating your motivation for participating in this year’s Meisterklasse
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Brief outline of your current research (e.g. PhD project) 

Deadline for application (extended): May 19th, 2014


In case you wish to present your work, which is not required, you may add a short abstract of your planned contribution (about 20 minutes). Please be aware that the available slots for presentation are limited so that we cannot make any promises.


After the Meisterklasse, postgraduate students may apply for a grant covering in part their expenses for travelling and accomodation. Application forms will be handed out during the conference and should be returned to the organisers together with the receipts (travel and accommodation). For legal reasons, the Konstanzer Meisterklasse cannot guarantee grants.