Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Vanessa Dirksen, Ph.D.


2008 Lehrauftrag, University of Amsterdam, Department of Economics

2005-2007 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, University of Constance, Department of Sociology and History, Unit on Knowledge, Finance and Society

2007 Lehrauftrag, Zeppelin University, Department of Public Management and Governance

2007 Ph.D. Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Department of Economics

1999-2005 Research assistant, University of Amsterdam, Department of Economics

1997 MA in Anthropology, University of Amsterdam


Social studies of science and technology, institutional ethnography, migration studies

Funktion innerhalb des Exzellenzclusters

Forschungsprojekt „Transnational ‘Infrastructures’ of Knowledge and the Cultural Foundations of the 21st Century Non-profit Organization“

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Dirksen, V. & Grimpe, B. (in preparation) “Site-hopping in STS”: Doing ethnography in geographically dispersed professional settings, submitted to EASST/4S conference, Rotterdam, August 2008

Dirksen, V. (2007) Social Imaginaries of Technology and Work: A Connective Ethnography. PhD thesis, Amsterdam.

Dirksen, V. (2007) Piling on Layers of Understanding: Getting the ‘Co’ in Ethnography, paper presented at the Workshop on Virtual Ethnography, Virtual Knowledge Studio, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 26.

Dirksen,V. (2006) Socialization and Reputation in Virtual Corporate Spaces: Confirming Identity and Reproducing Practice, The Anthropology of Work Review, xxvi (2), pp. 24-27.

Dirksen,V. & Huizing, A. (2006) The Paradox of Organizing Knowledge, Primavera Working Paper, 2006-04, University of Amsterdam.

Dirksen,V. (2002) The Cultural Construction of Information and Communication Technologies, in F. Tan, Advanced Topics in Information Management, pp. 150-158, Hershey: Idea Group Publishing.


Tel. 07531 88-2097
E-Mail vanessa.dirksen[at]uni-konstanz.de

Raum F 543
Universität Konstanz