Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Sara R. Farris


Sara R. Farris

2003 Laurea cum summa laude (equivalent to MA) in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, University La Sapienza in Rome.

2003 Award for the Best Thesis of Empirical Research on the Theme of Immigration – “Gianni Statera Foundation” (Italy).

2003–2007 PhD in Sociology in the Department of Social Research and Sociological Methodology (RISMES), Faculty of Sociology, University La Sapienza in Rome.

2006 Visiting Fellowship, Goldsmiths College, London.

2007-2008 Research Fellowship, International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam.

2008 German Government “DAAD” Fellowship, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.

2009 Research Fellowship, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht.

2010 Research Fellowship, European Commission Funded Research Fellowship at the Institute for Women’s History (Aletta), Amsterdam.

2010 Lecturer in “Gender, Migration and Development” and in “Contemporary Social Theory” at the Graduate School of the Social Sciences of the University of Amsterdam and at the Amsterdam University College.

Research Concentrations

Classical and Contemporary Social and Political Theory, Migration Studies, Gender Studies, Marxist and Feminist Theory

Function within the Center

Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (January-December 2011)

Research project “Gendered Integration: on the feminisation of contemporary discourses on the cultural inclusion of immigrants in Europe”


Selected Publications


Enchanted Politics. Religion, Subjectivity and Power in Max Weber, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden-Boston 2012.

(with C. Bonfiglioli, L. Cirillo, V. Perilli), The Female Foreigner. Towards an Understanding of Contemporary Racism and Sexism in Italy, Alegre, Rome, 2009 (in Italian).


“Inimical Incursions: on Mario Tronti’s Weberianism”, in Historical Materialism,  19.3, 2011.

“An ‘ideal type’ called Orientalism. Selective affinities between Edward Said and Max Weber”, in Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol. 12, n. 2, 2010.

“Interregional Migration and the Challenge for Gender and Development”, in Development. Society for International Development Journal, vol. 53, n.1, 2010.

“Old and New Spirits of Capitalism”, in International Review of Social History, n. 55, 2010.

“Religion as the Source of the Self. Max Weber’s Hypothesis”, forthcoming in Social Compass, 2010.

“Women in Integration Processes. Research Results in Italy”, in Studi Emigrazione, n. 170, Roma, CSER, 2008 (in Italian).

Review of “Das Kapital. Ein Plädoyer für den Menschen” by Reinhard Marx, in Marx and Philosophy Review of Books: http://marxandphilosophy.org.uk/reviewofbooks/reviews/2010/225

Review of “Dreams in Exile. Rediscovering Science and Ethics in Nineteenth-Century Social Theory” by George E. McCarthy, in Critical Sociology n. 36/2, 2010.