Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Prof. Dr. James McAdams


Portrait James McAdams

James McAdams is a professor for international and comparative politics at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). He specializes in German and European politics and history.

He is the author of numerous books and  articles on these topics, including East Germany and Detente; Germany Divided; Judging the Past in Unified Germany; and The Crisis of Modern Times.

He is director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at Notre Dame. The institute’s faculty fellows engage in scholarship and teaching in a wide variety of topics in the arts, humanities, and social sciences that relate to contemporary Europe: http://nanovic.nd.edu/ McAdams is the former chair of the Department of Political Science.

Research Concentrations

Comparative communism; history and politics of the German Democratic Republic; relations between East and West Germany; transitional justice; comparative privacy and surveillance law; political theory.

Function within the Center

Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (September 2012–January 2013)

Research project "The Idea of the Communist Party"

Selected Publications

East Germany and Detente (Cambridge University Press, 1985)

Germany Divided:  From the Wall to Reunification (Princeton University Press, 1992 and 1993)

Transitional Justice in New Democracies (Univ. Notre Dame Press, 1997)

Judging the Past in Unified Germany (Cambridge University Press, 2001)

The Crisis of Modern Times (University of Notre Dame Press, 2008)

Vanguard of the Revolution. The Global Idea of the Communist Party (Princeton University Press, 2017)

