Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Charlton Payne


Since January 2011, Charlton Payne holds the Christoph Martin Wieland Postdoctoral Fellowship in the interdisciplinary research group “Platform Weltregionen und Interaktionen” at the Universität Erfurt, where he will complete his habilitation on refugee narratives in German literature.

2009 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Research Group “Recht und Literatur/Romantische Institutionen”, University of Konstanz

2008-2009 research associate at the Center of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” and at the chair of Prof. Albrecht Koschorke, University of Konstanz

2007 Ph.D. German Studies, University of California, Los Angeles. Dissertation: “The Politics of Epic Poetics: Ideology, Nation, and Citizenship in Eighteenth-Century German Literature”

2006-2007 scholarship holder at the Ph.D. program “The Figure of the Third”, University of Konstanz

2005 DAAD Fellowship, University of Konstanz

2002 M.A. German Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

2000-2001 Humboldt University Berlin

1999 B.A. History, University of Georgia

Research concentration

Intersections of literature and politics from the 18th-century to the present, primarily in German literature and culture, but also in comparative perspective; political theory; human rights discourse; refugees; literature of asylum and the asylum of literature; the differences between fictional and factual narratives; intersections of law and literature.

Function within the Center

Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (January-December 2010)

Research project “The Figure of the Refugee in 20th-Century German Literature and Culture”

Selected Publications

“A Question of Humanity in its Entirety”: Armin T. Wegner as Intermediary of Reconciliation between Germans and Armenians in Interwar German Civil Society. In: Birgit Schwelling (Hg.): Reconciliation, Civil Society, and the Politics of Memory. Transnational Initiatives in the 20th and 21st Century. Bielefeld: Transcript 2012, p. 25-50.

The Epic Imaginary. Political Power and its Legitimations in Eighteenth-Century German Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter 2012 (Studien zur deutschen Literatur, 197).

with Lucas Thorpe (ed.): Kant and the concept of community. Rochester: University of Rochester Press 2011.

The Limits of Hospitality in Kleist’s „Verlobung in St. Domingo“. In: Grenzen im Raum ‒ Grenzen in der Literatur. Herauisgegeben von Eva Geulen und Stephan Kraft. Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. 2010, p. 239-251.

„Kleist’s Verlobung in St. Domingo and the Right to Asylum“. Die Imagination des Staates im 19. Jahrhundert. hrsg. von Bart Philipsen, Sientje Maes, Arne De Winde. Synchron. (forthcoming 2010)

“Narrative Souveränität. Wielands parodistischer Erzähler als ‘Übersetzer’ der
Französischen National-Versammlung.” Wieland/Übersetzungen. Hrsg. Bettine Menke und Wolfgang Struck. de Gruyter. (forthcoming 2010)

“Epic World Citizenship in Goethe’s Hermann und Dorothea.” Goethe Yearbook 16
(2009): 11-28.