Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Natalie Scholz


Natalie Scholz

1999 Magister Artium, University of Münster

2000-2002 Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), SFB 496 “Symbolische Kommunikation”, University of Münster

2004 Ph.D., University of Münster

2004 Curator and project manager of the “UniArtMünster”, Senatsausschuss für Kunst und Kultur, University of Münster

2005-2006 Alexander von Humboldt guest researcher, Free University Amsterdam

2006 Lise Meitner Fellow, University of Cologne

2006-2010 Lecturer (docent) of Modern and Contemporary European History, University of Amsterdam

since 2010 Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Amsterdam

Research concentrations

  • representations of the political, 19th and 20th century (France and Germany)
  • cultural history of post-war West-Germany
  • cold war culture
  • memory history and social forgetting
  • visual culture and film

Functions within the Center

Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (January – August 2012)

Research project “Negotiating the modern, reworking the past. The political meanings of domestic objects in West Germany (1945-1965)”

Selected Publications

Die Imaginierte Restauration. Repräsentationen der Monarchie im Frankreich Ludwigs XVIII. (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006).

Représentation et pouvoir. La politique symbolique en France (1789-1830) (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007), co-edited with Christina Schröer.

genus (ed.), Kultur, Geschlecht, Körper (Münster: agenda Verlag, 1999), co-editor.

'Cold War Modernism and Postwar German Homes. An East-West Comparison’ (with Milena Veenis), in: Joes Segal and Peter Romijn (eds.), Divided Dreamworlds. The Cultural Cold War in East and West (Amsterdam University Press 2012, in print).

'The Return of the Loving Father. Masculinity, Legitimacy and the French and Dutch Restoration Monarchies (1813-1815)', BMGN–LCHR 127 (2012) 1 (in print).

‘Past and Pathos. Symbolic Practices of Reconciliation during the French Restoration’, History and Memory 21 (2010) 3, 48-80.

‘The “Modern Home” during the 1950s. West-German Cultural Reconstruction and the Ambivalent Meanings of Americanization’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 121 (2008) 3, 296-311.

‘La monarchie sentimentale: Un remède aux crises politiques de la Restauration?’, in: Natalie Scholz and Christina Schröer (eds.), Représentation et pouvoir. La politique symbolique en France (1789-1830) (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007) 185-198.

“Quel spectacle“ – Der Tod des Herzogs von Berry und seine melodramatische Bewälti­gung’, Zeitenblicke. Online-Journal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 3 (2004) 1.


phone +49 (0)7531 36304-12
e-mail n.scholz[at]uva.nl