Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Sergey Erofeev


Portrait Sergey Erofeev

PhD in Sociology, Kazan State University (1997)

Research MA in Sociology, University of Kent, UK (1994)

Kazan State Conservatoire, USSR (1986)

Previously held positions

2003–2007 Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Kazan State University

2000–2001 Research Fellow, School of Social Sciences, University of  Wales, Bangor, UK

Projects and grants

2005–2007 ‘Tolerance and Intolerance in the Post-Soviet Press: Applying New Methods of Measurement and Evaluation’ (INTAS)

2001–2007 ‘Specialized Courses in Sociology’ (Ford Foundation)

1994–2006 EU Tempus-Tacis curriculum development and university management projects

2003 ‘Sociology of Culture’ section, ‘ECSOCMAN Internet Portal’ (Moscow Higher School of Economics)

2000–2001 ‘Cultural Power and the Transition in a Russian Region’ (Leverhulme Trust, UK)

Founder and director, Centre for the Sociology of Culture at Kazan State University

Principal organizer: international conferences ‘Social Knowledge: Formations and Interpretations’ (1996), ‘Whose Culture? An Agenda for Social Research on Cultures in Transition’ (1998), ‘Innovation in Social Sciences: The Future of Research and Teaching’ (2001), ‘Russian and European Higher Education: General Bologna Strategies and Regional Practices’ (2004)

Research Areas

  • Social and cultural theory
  • sociology of culture and the media
  • Russian cultural studies

Function within the Center

Alumnus of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (December 2010-January 2011)

Research project “Missing a Turn: Culturalized Discourses of Theory in Russia”

Selected Publications

2011 (forthcoming) Erofeev, S. and Davis, H. ‘Reframing Society and Culture in Post-Soviet Russia’. Comparative Sociology

2007 Davis, H. and Erofeev, S. ‘The Regional and the Global in the context of Changing Cultural Production’, in: Regionologia no. 4, 2007, pp. 5-14.

2004 Erofeev, S., Modestov, V. and Foursova, V. (eds.), Sociology of Education: Theory, Research and Problems. Key texts in translation from English and French, Kazan University Press.

2001 Erofeev, S., ‘The Study of Russian Cultural Transformation and the Discourse of Culture’, in: S. Erofeev and L. Nizamova (eds.), Post-Soviet Cultural Transformation: Media and Ethnicity in Tatarstan in the 1990s, Kazan University Press, pp.15-36.

2001 2nd edition: Contexts of Modernity – 2: Current Problems of Society and Culture in Western Social Theory. Key texts in translation from English, Kazan University Press (editor and translator).

2001 Erofeev, S. and Nizamova, L. (eds.), Post-Soviet Cultural Transformation: Media and Ethnicity in Tatarstan in the 1990s, Kazan University Press.

2000 Erofeev, S. and Davis, H., ‘Media Studies and the Problems of Cultural Fragmentation in Post-Soviet Society’, in: Post-Soviet Society: New Research Methods and Models of Interpretation, Moscow Institute of Sociology, pp.27-52.

1999 Erofeev, S. (ed.) Whose Culture? An Agenda for Social Research on Cultures in Transition, Kazan: Terra-Consulting.

1998 Erofeev, S. and Shatunova, T. (eds.), The Problems of Cultural Identity, Kazan: Eco-Centre.

1996 Erofeev, S. (ed.), Social Knowledge: Formations and Interpretations, Part 1 and 2, Kazan: Fort-Dialogue.


phone +7 812 579 44 02 (office), +7 911 919 96 11 (mobile)

e-mail erofeev[at]eu.spb.ru