Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Ingo Gildenhard


Ingo Gildenhard

Since 2006 Reader, Durham University.

2002-2003 Visiting Professor, University of Rome, La Sapienza.

1999-2006 Lecturer, King’s College London.

1999 PhD, Princeton University.

1992 BA, Pomona College, Claremont, California.

Since 2007 Founding director of the Durham Centre for the Study of the Classical Tradition

2009-2012 Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship

Research areas

  • Roman literature and culture, esp. of the republic and early principate
  • Cicero
  • The Classical Tradition
  • The history of classical scholarship
  • Cultural and literary theory

Function within the Center

Alumnus of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (April-September 2009)
About the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz

Research project “Rome’s imperial discourse: Studies in the historical semantics of empire and autocracy, from Cicero to Augustine”

Selected Publications

Gelegenheitsmetaphysik: religiöse Semantik in Reden Ciceros, in A. Bendlin and J. Rüpke (eds.) Römische Religion im historischen Wandel: Diskursentwicklung von Plautus bis Ovid (Stuttgart 2008) 87-112.

Paideia Romana - Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations, Cambridge 2007.

Virgil vs. Ennius - or: the undoing of the annalist, in W. Fitzgerald and E. Gowers (eds.) Ennius perennis: the Annals and beyond (Cambridge 2007) 73-102.

Barbarian variations: Tereus, Procne and Philomela in Ovid (Met. 6.412-674) and beyond, Dictynna 4 (2007) 1-25 (with A. Zissos).

Greek auxiliaries: tragedy and philosophy in Ciceronian invective, in J. Booth (ed.) Cicero on the attack: invective and subversion in the orations and beyond (Swansea 2007) 149-82.

Reckoning with tyranny - Greek thoughts on Caesar in Cicero’s letters to Atticus in early 49, in S. Lewis (ed.) Ancient tyranny (Edinburgh 2006) 197-209.

Confronting the beast: from Virgil’s Cacus to the dragons of Cornelis van Haarlem, Proceedings of the Virgil Society 25 (2004) 27-48.

Ovid’s ‘Hecale’: deconstructing Athens in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, JRS 94 (2004) 47-72 (with A. Zissos).

Out of Arcadia: Classics and politics in Germany in the age of Burckhardt, Nietzsche and Wilamowitz (co-edited with Martin Ruehl), Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Supplement 79, London 2003.

Philologia Perennis? Classical scholarship and functional differentiation, in I. Gildenhard and M. Ruehl (eds.) Out of Arcadia: Classics and politics in Germany in the age of Burckhardt, Nietzsche and Wilamowitz (London, 2003) 161-203.


Reader in Latin Literature and Roman Culture
Department of Classics & Ancient History
Durham University
Durham, DH1 3EU

E-mail: ingo.gildenhard[at]dur.ac.uk