Prof. Dr. Deniz Göktürk

1995 Ph.D., Freie Universität Berlin, German Department.
1987 M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of East Anglia (Norwich, Great Britain).
1987 Diploma as Staatlich geprüfte Übersetzerin (Qualified Translator), Berlin.
1982–1985 German Studies, English and American Studies, Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin.
1980–1982 Zwischenprüfungen in German Literature and Philosophy, Universität Konstanz.
2002- Associate Professor, Department of German, University of California at Berkeley.
2001-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of German, University of California at Berkeley.
1995-2001 Lecturer in German and Film Studies at the University of Southampton, School of Modern Languages.
2001- Promotion to Reader in German and Film Studies.
1991–1992 Assistant Coordinator for Migration and Minority Studies, Berlin Institute of Comparative Social Research.
1983–1989 Interpreter and translator for Turkish. Freie Universität Berlin, Universitätsklinikum Charlottenburg, Kinderklinik, Berlin.
Research Areas
- 20th century German literature and cinema
- transnational connections in world cinema, particularly German-Turkish-European-American cultural traffic
- visual media old and new – from early cinema to contemporary video art and digital archives
- authorship, spectatorship and reception
- intertextuality and intermediality
- migration and interaction
- globalization, im/mobility and mediations of place
- translation and untranslatability
- theories of diversity and nationalism
- rituals of regulating identity, authority and movement (i.e. passports, uniforms)
- comedy and community
Function within the Center
Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study (October 2010-September 2011)
Research Project “Unmovable Features: Im/mobility and Digital World Cinema (working title)” Abstract
Selected Publications
Transit Deutschland: Debatten zu Nation und Migration. Co-edited with David Gramling, Anton Kaes and Andreas Langenohl. Konstanz: Konstanz University Press, 2010. 833 pp. In press.
“Mobilität und Stillstand im Weltkino digital.” Özkan Ezli, ed. Kultur als Ereignis. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2010: 15-45. In press.
Orienting Istanbul: Cultural Capital of Europe? Co-edited with Levent Soysal and İpek Türeli. London: Routledge, 2010. 352 pp.
“Postcolonial Amnesia? Taboo Memories and Kanaks with Cameras.” Volker Langbehn, ed. German Colonialism, Visual Culture, and Modern Memory. London: Routledge, 2009: 278-301.
“Jokes and Butts: Can We Imagine Humor in a Global Public Sphere?” PMLA, Vol. 123, No. 5 (October 2008): 1707-1711.
Germany in Transit. Nation and Migration, 1955-2005. A Sourcebook. Co-edited with David Gramling and Anton Kaes. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. 588 pp.
“Migration, Culture, and the Nation State.” Inaugural Issue of TRANSIT
(September 2005):
Co-edited with Anton Kaes.
Multicultural Germany: Art, Performance and Media. Special Issue of New German Critique 92 (Spring/Summer 2004). Co-edited with Barbara Wolbert. 224 pp.
Includes my article: “Strangers in Disguise: Role Play beyond Identity Politics in Anarchic Film Comedy,” pp. 100-122.
The German Cinema Book. Co-edited with Tim Bergfelder and Erica Carter. London: BFI, 2002. 291 pp.
“Migration und Kino - Subnationale Mitleidskultur oder transnationale Rollenspiele?” Interkulturelle Literatur in Deutschland. Ein Handbuch, ed. by Carmine Chiellino, Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 2000, pp. 329- 347.
Künstler, Cowboys, Ingenieure: Kultur- und mediengeschichtliche Studien zu deutschen Amerika-Texten 1912-1920. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1998. 265 pp.
Jedem Wort gehört ein Himmel: Türkei literarisch. Co-edited with Zafer Şenocak with my translations. Berlin: Babel Verlag, 1991. 207 pp.