Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Prof. Dr. Kees van Kersbergen


1984 Master in Political Science, University of Amsterdam

1991 Ph.D. European University Institute (cum laude), Florence

1984–1987 Scientific Assistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

1987–1991 Researcher at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the European University Institute, Florence

1989–1991 Research Assistant at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the European University Institute, Florence

1991­–1997 Associate Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

1997–2003 Full professor (“gewoon hoogleraar”) of Political Science at the Nijmegen School of Management of Nijmegen University

2003–2007 Director of the research programme of the Centre for Comparative Social Studies (CCSS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

since 2003 Full professor (“gewoon hoogleraar”) of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

since 2004 Head of Department, Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Grants, Prizes, Fellowships

1987–1991 Grant of the Dutch Ministry of Education and of the European Community to conduct a PhD Research at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy

1996 Seventh Stein Rokkan Prize in Comparative Social Science by the International Social Science Council, the Universidad Candido Mendes and the European Consortium for Political Research

1996 Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence

1997 Honory Professorship, P.W. Segers-chair, Centre for Social Policy, Antwerp University

1997 Visiting Professor at the Department of Political Science and the Center for European Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2001 Grant of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) to write a background study for the strategic research policy of NWO

2001 Research grant of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for a collaborative research project (universities of Leiden, Nijmegen and Utrecht)

2006 Visiting professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

2006­–2010 Grant of the National Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) to write the concluding study of the Shifts in Governance programme (declined)

Function within the Center

Alumnus of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (January-October 2008)
about the Institute for Advanced Study

Research Project “Religion and Politics”

Selected Publications


Religion, Class Coalitions and Welfare States. New York: Cambridge University Press (Series on Social Theory, Religion and Politics) (2009).

Expansion and Fragmentation. Internationalization, Political Change and the Transformation of the Nation State, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, (ed. with Robert H. Lieshout en Grahame Lock) (1999).

Social Capitalism. A Study of Christian Democracy and the Welfare State, London/New York: Routledge (1995).

Refereed Articles/Chapters

Interests, Identity and Political Allegiance in the European Union, Acta Politica, 42, 2: 307–28 (with Catherine E. de Vries) (2007).

Why and How Do Political Actors Pursue Risky Welfare State Reforms?, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 19, 2: 153–72 (with Barbara Vis) (2007).

The Politics of International Norms. Subsidiarity and the Imperfect Competence Regime of the European Union, European Journal of International Relations, 13, 2: 217–38 (with Bertjan Verbeek) (2007).

Subsidiarity as a Principle of Governance in the European Union, Comparative European Politics, 2, 2: 142–162 (with Bertjan Verbeek) (2004).

“Governance” as a Bridge between Disciplines: Cross-Disciplinary Inspiration Regarding Shifts in Governance and Problems of Governability, Accountability and Legitimacy, European Journal of Political Research, 43, 2: 143–171 (with Frans van Waarden) (2004).

Welfare State Reform and Political Allegiance, The European Legacy, 8, 5: 559–571 (2003).

Political Allegiance and European Integration, European Journal of Political Research, 37, 1, 2000: 1–17 (2000).

Contemporary Christian Democracy and the Demise of the Politics of Mediation, in H. Kitschelt, G. Marks, P. Lange and J.D. Stephens (eds), Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 346–70 (1999).




The Disenchantment of Politics
Vortrag im Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolloquium, Mai 2008