Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. John W. Meyer


John W. Meyer

1955 B.A. Psychology Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana.

1957 M.A. Sociology University of Colorado.

1965 Ph.D. Sociology Columbia University.

Teaching Positions

1978- (emeritus 2001-) Professor of Sociology, Stanford University.

1966-1978 Assistant-Assoc. Professor of Sociology, Stanford Univ.

1959-1966 Instr. and Assistant Prof., Sociology, Columbia University.

Fellowships, Awards

2006 Niklas-Luhmann-Chair for Sociological Theory, U. of Bielefeld.

2005 Christian Wolff Professor, Univ. of Wittenberg/Halle.

1981, 2003 Visiting Fellow, Max Planck Inst. for Hum. Dev.

1982-1983 Fellow, Center for Adv. Study Berlin.

1985-1986 Fellow, Center for Adv. Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Member, National Academy of Education, Sociological Research Association.

1980-1981, 1996-1997 Chair, Soc. of Education Sect., Am. Soc. Ass.

1992-1993 Visiting Professor, SCORE, Stockholm School of Economics.

1994-1996 Spencer Mentor grantee.

1995 Waller Award for Lifetime Contributions to the Sociology of Education,  Soc. of Ed. Section, American Sociological Association.

2001 Graduate Service Recognition Award, GSPB, Stanford University.

1996 Hon. Doctorate, Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

2007 Hon. Doctorate, Sociology, University of Bielefeld; Sociology, University of Lucerne.

Research Areas

Sociology of Education; Political Sociology; Comparative Sociology; World Society; Organizations

Function within the Center

Alumnus of the Institute for Advanced Study (October-November 2011)
Research project “empirical social research”

Selected Publications

—. "The Effects of Education as an Institution." American Journal of Sociology 83, 1, July 1977: 55-77.

— and Brian Rowan. "Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony." American Journal of Sociology 83, 2, September 1977: 340-63.

—, John Boli, and George Thomas. "Ontology and Rationalization in the Western Cultural Account." In G. Thomas, J. Meyer, F. Ramirez, and J. Boli, Institutional Structure. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987: 2-37.

—, John Boli, George Thomas, and Francisco Ramirez. "World Society and the Nation-State." American Journal of Sociology 103, 1, July 1997: 144-81.

— and Ronald Jepperson. "The 'Actors' of Modern Society: The Cultural Construction of Social Agency." Sociological Theory 18, 1, May 2000: 100-120.

David Frank and —. "The Profusion of Individual Roles and Identities in the Postwar Period." Sociological Theory 20, 1, March 2002: 86-105.

Gili Drori, —, Francisco Ramirez, and Evan Schofer. Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalizatión and Globalizatión. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003.

Evan Schofer and —. "The World-Wide Expansion of Higher Education in the Twentieth Century." American Sociological Review 70, 6, December 2005: 898-920.

—. John W. Meyer: Weldkultur: Wie die westlichen Prinzipien die Welt durchdringen (ed. by G. Krücken, trans. by B. Kuchler). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2005.

Gili Drori, —, and Hokyu Hwang (eds.). Globalization and Organization: World Society and Organizational Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

David Frank and —. "University Expansion and the Knowledge Society." Theory and Society 36, 2007: 287-311.

—. "Reflections: Institutional Theory and World Society." In G. Krücken and G. Drori (eds.), World Society: The Writings of John W. Meyer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009: 36-63.

Ronald Jepperson and —. "Multiple Levels of Analysis and the Limitations of Methodological Individualisms." Sociological Theory, 2011.


Professor of Sociology, emeritus
Stanford University