Thomas Rid

since 2011 Reader, King's College, London
2009-2010 Visting Scholar, The Shalem Center and Hebrew University, Jerusalem
2009 Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC
2008-2009 Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, Paul H Nitze School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
2007-2008 Visiting Fellow, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC
2006-2007 Visiting Fellow, Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), Paris
2006 Ph.D. (Dr.), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2005-2006 Foreign Policy Coordinator, The American Academy in Berlin
2003-2005 Fritz Thyssen Scholar, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1997-2002 Degree in Social and Political Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and for one year at the London School of Economics
Research Areas
International Relations, Strategic Studies, Violent Extremism
Functions within the Center
Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (October 2010-September 2011)
Research Project “Determent. Beyond Victory”
Selected Publications
2013 Cyber War Will Not Take Place, London: Hurst.
2010 “The 19th Century Origins of Counterinsurgency Doctrine,” Journal of Strategic Studies, October, vol 33, iss 5, p. 729-60.
2010 Understanding Counterinsurgency, co-edited with Thomas Keaney, London: Routledge.
2010 "Cracks in the Jihad” The Wilson Quarterly, Winter 2010, p. 40-48.
2009 War 2.0 co-authored with Marc Hecker, Westport: Praeger.
2009 “Germany’s Options in Afghanistan,” with Timo Noetzel, Survival, vol 51, iss 5, p. 71-90.
2009 "The Terror Fringe” with Marc Hecker, Policy Review, iss 158, p. 3-19.
2009 “Razzia. A Turning Point in Modern Strategy” Terrorism and Political Violence, vol 21, iss 4, p. 617-635.
2009 “The Roots of Germany’s Russia Policy,” with Christopher Chivvis, Survival, 51, 2, p. 105-122.
2009, "Islam in Europe," Policy Review, iss 156, August-September, p. 76-82.
2007 War and Media Operations. The U.S. Military and the Press from Vietnam to Iraq, London: Routledge.
Non-resident fellow, School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC
e-mail rid[at]
Kann der Afghanistan-Einsatz Deutschland sicherer machen?
Der Bundestag hat jüngst die Verlängerung des Afghanistan-Einsatzes beschlossen. Doch der Politkwissenschaftler Thomas Rid ist über die Debatte hierzulande enttäuscht. Ein Interview von Simone Schelk