Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Prof. Philip Smith


Portrait Philip Smith

2007 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Yale University.

2003-2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Yale University.

1993-2002 Lecturer through to Reader, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland, Australia.

1993 Ph.D. in Sociology. University of California, Los Angeles.

1986 M.A. in Social Anthropology. University of Edinburgh.

Research concentrations

Social and Cultural Theory: Durkheim, semiotic and narrative theory. History of cultural theory. Civil society.

  1. Crime, Deviance, Criminal Justice: Culture and punishment. Everyday incivility. Deviant subcultures.
  2. Culture and Society: War and violence. National identity. Visual sociology. Environment.

Function within the Center

Alumnus of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (September 2008-August 2009)
about the Institute for Advanced Study

Research project “Public narration of ‘science scares’”

Selected Publications

Smith, P. 2009. Cultural Sociology, Analytic Modes and Political Inquiry: A Rejoinder to Steensland, in: Sociological forum: official journal of the Eastern Sociological Society 24, 935-939.

Smith, P. 2008. Punishment and Culture. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.

Smith, P and Riley, A. T. 2008. Cultural Theory: Fully Revised Second Edition. Oxford. Blackwell.

Smith , P. 2005. Why War? The Cultural Logic of Iraq, the Gulf War and Suez. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.

Alexander, J. and Smith, P. 2005. (Editors) The Cambridge Companion to Durkheim. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Smith, P and Natalier, K. 2005. Understanding Criminal Justice: Sociological Perspectives. London. Sage.

Smith, P. 2001. Cultural Theory: An Introduction. New York. Blackwell. (Translations of this edition also published in Greek, Turkish, Korean.)

Emmison, M. and Smith, P. 2000. Researching the Visual. London. Sage.

Smith, P. 1998. (Editor) The New American Cultural Sociology. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.


Tel. 07531 36304-33
Fax 07531 36304-44
E-Mail philip.smith[at]uni-konstanz.de

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Otto-Adam-Str. 5
78467 Konstanz