Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster: Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration

Dr. Ian Woodward


Portrait Ian Woodward

2008- Deputy Director, Centre for Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia

2007- Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities, Griffith University, Australia

2006- Visiting Fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University, USA

2003- Lecturer, School of Humanities; Griffith University, Australia

1997-2002 PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Archaeology, The University of Queensland, Australia. Advisers: Professor Michael Emmison, Professor Philip Smith

Research Concentrations

  • Cultural sociology
  • Materiality, objectualisation, material culture
  • Consumption and aesthetics
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • Globalisation, openness, social inclusion

Function within the Center

Alumnus of the Institute of Advanced Study Konstanz (July 2010 until February 2011)

Research project “Theorising the object-seeking social actor: object transitioning, sensual practice and the unfolding materiality of social life”

Selected Publications

Skrbiš, Z., Woodward, I. 2013. Cosmopolitanism: Uses of the Idea, London: SAGE.

Kendall, G., Woodward, I., Skrbiš, Z.  2009. The Sociology of Cosmopolitanism, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Woodward, I. 2007. Understanding Material Culture. London: Sage. 

Woodward, I. 2009. ‘Material culture and narrativization. Fusing myth, materiality and meaning, In Vannini,   P. (ed) Material Culture and Ethnography, Peter Lang, New York.

Woodward, I. 2010. ‘Consumption as cultural interpretation. Taste, performativity and navigating the forest of objects’ In Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Edited by Alexander, J.C., Smith, P., and Jacobs, R. Oxford University Press.

Skrbis, Z., Kendall, G., and Woodward, I. 2004. ‘Locating Cosmopolitanism: Between Humanist Ideal and Grounded Social Category’, Theory, Culture and Society, 21(5): 115-136.

Woodward, I., Skrbis, Z., and Bean, C. 2008. ‘Attitudes toward globalization and cosmopolitanism: Cultural diversity, personal consumption and the national economy’, The British Journal of Sociology, 59(1): 207-226. 

Skrbis, Z., and Woodward, I. 2007. ‘The ambivalence of ordinary cosmopolitanism: Investigating the limits of cosmopolitan openness’ The Sociological Review, 55:4, 730-747.

Woodward, I. 2006. ‘Investigating the consumption anxiety thesis: aesthetic choice, narrativisation and social performance’, The Sociological Review, 54(2): 263-282.

Woodward, I. 2003. ‘Divergent narratives in the imagining of the home amongst middle-class consumers: aesthetics, comfort and the symbolic boundaries of self and home’, Journal of Sociology, 39(4): 391-412.

Woodward, I., and Emmison, M. 2001. ‘From aesthetic principles to collective sentiments: the logics of everyday judgements of taste’, Poetics, 29(6): 295-316.