Ph.D. John Namjun Kim

2004 – present Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, German and Japanese, University of California, Riverside
1993-1995 Foreign Rights Manager, Passagen Verlag, Ges.m.b.H. (Publisher), Vienna, Austria
2004 Ph.D., German Studies, Cornell University; Dissertation: “From Perpetual Peace to Imperial War: ‘Violence’ in Kant, Kleist, Hegel, Miki and Tanabe”
2000-2001 Fulbright Researcher Fellow, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan; Dissertation research on Hegelianism in Japan and Japanese imperialism
2000 M.A., German Studies, Cornell University; Major Concentration: German Literature and Intellectual History, Minor Concentrations: Philosophy and Comparative Literature (Japanese)
1996 B.A., Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz; Major Concentration: German Literature, Highest Honors (summa cum laude) in Literature, Kresge College Honors, Phi Beta Kappa
1993-1995 Undergraduate Exchange Student, Universität Wien, Austria, Studies in Philosophy, Film and Psychoanalysis
Grants, and Fellowships
Regents Faculty Fellowship (2007 – 2008), Faculty Senate Research Grant (2005 – 2006, 2007 – 2008), and Dean’s Research Grant (2004 – 2005), University of California, Riverside
Research Residency (June – July 2006), Hölderlin-Haus, Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe, Germany
Mellon Foundation Grant for Research Workshop “Of Human Bondage” (2005 – 2006)
DAAD Faculty Summer Seminar (Summer 2005), Cornell University
Research Grant (Summer 2002), Research Center “Cultures of Memory,” Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany
Fulbright Graduate Research Fellowship (2000 – 2001), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Goethe Prize (for best research paper)(2000), Cornell University
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS)(1998 – 1999), US Department of Education
Sage Graduate Fellowship (1996 – 1997, 2001 – 2002), Cornell University
Research Areas
critical theory and modern German and Japanese literature and philosophy, Kant and German Idealism, German Classicism and Romanticism, Heidegger and the Kyoto School
Function within the Center
Alumnus of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz (August 2008 - July 2009)
about the Kulturwissenschaftliche Kolleg
Research Project „Of Irony and Understanding“ (with Dr. habil. Andreas Langenohl)
Selected Publications
Articles and Book Chapters
“Südländisch: The Optics of Fear in Reference to Foucault.” Submitted January 2008. Under peer review.
“Kant's Secret Article: Irony, Performativity and History in Zum Ewigen Frieden,” The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 82.3 (2007): 203-26.. Peer reviewed.
“The Brink of Universality: German Cosmopolitanism in Japanese Imperialism.” positions: east asia cultures critique. Accepted and forthcoming 2008. Peer reviewed.
“The Temporality of Empire: The Imperial Cosmopolitanism of Miki Kiyoshi and Tanabe Hajime.” Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History. Ed. J. Victor Koschmann and Sven Saaler. London: Routledge, 2006. 151-167. Invited contribution. Peer reviewed.
Cultural Heterogeneity and Philosophical Nationalism.” Quadrante: A Journal for the Synthesis of Regions, Cultures, and Class. 4 (2002): 259-69. Invited contribution.
In Preparation
Monograph: Ideal Imperialism: German Idealism in Japanese Imperialism
Co-edited volume with Richard Calichman, Beyond National Culture: Essays in the Honor of Naoki Sakai.
Contribution therein: “The Interior of the Interior or the Exterior of the Exterior: Heinrich von Kleist’s ‘Katechismus der Deutschen’”
Article: “Ethnic Irony: The Poetics of the First Person in Yōko Tawada and Its Translation in Paul de Man.”
Translation: (German to English) Heinrich von Kleist’s Die Hermannsschlacht
Tel. 07531 36304-18
Fax 07531 36304-44
Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg
Otto-Adam-Str. 5
78467 Konstanz