Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

The first Konstanzer Meisterklasse (in the centre: Bernhard Giesen, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt) (click to enlarge)

1999 Europe in Cultural Comparison

Lord Ralf Dahrendorf, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt

The first Meisterklasse taking place from 28 September to 7 October 1999 at the University of Konstanz was on “Europe in Cultural Comparison”. Masters were Shmuel N. Eisenstadt (Jerusalem) and Lord Dahrendorf (London), both great supporters of the Meisterklasse. The event was organized by Sigmar Papendick.

Ralf Dahrendorf: Winners and Losers

Shmuel N. Eisenstadt: Multiple Modernities

Meisterklasse 2000 (Clifford Geertz, Thomas Luckmann, Bernhard Giesen) (click to enlarge)

2000 Religion as Culture

Clifford Geertz, Thomas Luckmann

The millenium-edition from 12 to 19 September 2000 at the Akademie Schloss Seeheim in Konstanz had a burning issue as its topic: religion. It was was chaired by Clifford Geertz (Princeton) and Thomas Luckmann (Konstanz). Organizer was Wiebke Ernst.

Clifford Geertz: Thick Description

Meisterklasse 2001 (Zygmunt Bauman with his wife Janina, Reinhart Koselleck, Jeffrey Alexander, Bernhard Giesen) (click to enlarge)

2001 Language and Society

Zygmunt Bauman, Reinhart Koselleck

From 23 to 30 September 2001, under the impression of 9/11, the Meisterklasse attended to the complex relationship between language and society. Fellows from history, philosophy, and sociology discussed under the auspices of Zygmunt Bauman (Leeds), Reinhart Koselleck (Bielefeld), and Jeffrey C. Alexander (Yale). Wiebke Ernst organized this event again at the University of Konstanz.

Zygmunt Bauman: Modernity and the Craze About Security

Meisterklasse 2003 (from left to right: Jan Assmann, Mary Douglas, Lord Dahrendorf, Bernhard Giesen, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt) (click to enlarge)

2002 The Future of Democracy

Lord Dahrendorf, Karl Otto Hondrich, Claus Offe

2002’s Meisterklasse on the future of democracy lasted from 23 September to 1 October. The conference was chaired by Lord Dahrendorf, Karl Otto Hondrich (Frankfurt/Main), and Claus Offe (Berlin), and it was organized by Daniel Suber.

2003 Politics and Religion

Jan Assmann, Lord Dahrendorf, Mary Douglas, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt

The Meisterklasse from 1 to 9 September 2003, sponsored by the ZEIT-Stiftung, and again organized by Daniel Suber, dealt with politics and religion. Masters were Jan Assmann (Konstanz), Lord Dahrendorf, Mary Douglas (London), and Shmuel N. Eisenstadt.