2008 - Construction and Boundaries
Fredrik Barth, Thomas Luckmann, John R. Searle
The topic of the Meisterklasse from 16 to 24 July 2008 was “Construction and Boundaries”. Borders, frontiers, and limits are not naturally given but always contested and socially constructed. Yet, they are also material, the result of tradition, and connected to expectations and trust. Where are, in this sense, the limits of constructivism? The invited Masters Fredrik Barth (Oslo), Thomas Luckmann (Konstanz), and John R. Searle (Berkeley) have delivered pathbreaking works in this area.
The event was organized by Gerold Gerber.
Conference Proceeding
by Ana Mijic (Institut für Soziologie, Universität Wien) H-Soz-u-Kult (German only)
Live Recordings of the Opening Session (July 16, 2008)

Bernhard Giesen: Introduction
Fredrik Barth: Field Work
Extract from the lecture
Thomas Luckmann: Physical and Social World
Extract from the lecture
Complete Lecture
John R. Searle: Physical and Social Reality
Extract from the lecture
Complete Lecture