Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

15 Years Konstanzer Meisterklasse: 1999 - 2014

In 2009, the Konstanzer Meisterklasse celebrated its tenth anniversary. Back in 1999, the sociologist Bernhard Giesen from the University of Konstanz established this innovative form of academic exchange addressing postgraduate and postdoctoral Fellows from the cultural and social sciences.

The prior intention is to encourage dialogue between older and younger generations of scientists. Each year up to 25 Fellows - from all parts of the world - are invited to debate over a period of one or two weeks, usually in summer, on a certain topic with two or three distinguished scholars.

The Konstanzer Meisterklasse usually opens with a public panel discussion followed by a welcome party. In the morning sessions, the Masters give their lectures, while in the afternoon Fellows have the opportunity to present their own research projects and discuss them with the Masters and other Fellows. Besides this, the schedule also allows for ad-hoc workshops and informal talk. While the evenings and week-ends are generally at participants’ disposition, the organizers make proposals for joint activity, for instance visiting some of the most attractive places at Lake Constance and in the surrounding area.

Masters and Fellows usually remember the conference as an enjoyable experience. By now, the Konstanzer Meisterklasse has become a well-known event attaining attention even in the wider public.

Welcome Party, celebrating 10 years Meisterklasse
Welcome Party (click to enlarge)